Romans 14:16



In this life, we all desire to do good at one point in time or the other. Truly, it is affirmed that Jesus went about doing good (Acts 10:38), but does that mean everyone acknowledged him to be good or doing good?.

Jesus was called many names and hated by most people even when the bible tells us that he went about doing good. Can you imagine such?.. Mainly this is caused by misunderstanding or misinterpretation of someone's action or not knowing the intent of someone's heart. Now i will bring examples and instances where they called Jesus so many names or they misunderstood him. Please note that why I'm using Jesus to explain this for you, is because, there is no other more suitable figure to use in this teaching than our master himself, and that's because the bible says he was anointed by God and went About doing "GOOD". Let's now consider the examples :

Matthew 9:10-11

[10] And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.

[11]And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?

From this scripture above, you can see that the Pharisees tried to bring an accusation against Jesus because sinners came and sat down with him, and they ate and discussed together. If you look closely, they did not understand the purpose why Jesus was with sinners instead of avoiding them, and they didn't report firect to Jesus, but came to His disciples to gossip and as a busybody and their heart is already corrupt against sinners. But Jesus made it known to them, why he accepted to be seen in the midst of much sinners and publicans (According to matt 9:12-13). From this case you would see that they tried to accuse Jesus wrongly, from what they saw him doing and not what they heard him discussing with them. 

Now, this scenario also applies to our recent standards of Christianity. People might see a leader or some believed  to be a devoted Christian in the midst of or with a girl( I speak mainly for brothers) , even without hearing the conversation, or understanding it, they would start going to the back to gossip like the Pharisees did, and believe that the leader or brother is evil or unrighteous. Although this also applies to a sister which is seen with or in the midst of brothers. 

If the person who is accused at the back has a clean mind or not, they don't care. Even though he has clear mind and good intents, surely they would be evil spoken of. 

Now, let me run through events where Jesus or hia disciples were accused wrongly, 

(1) -  When his disciples plucked corn on the sabbath day, the Pharisees saw it as a bad thing to do(imagine, even to eat was now a bad thing) , but Jesus told them the reason it is not bad - Matthew 12:1-8

(2) - Where Jesus did good by healing a man with withered hands on the sabbath day, and the bible says, they held council against him how they might destroy him - Matthew 12: 9 - 14

(3) - When Jesus healed and cast out devils from people, even with his good works, they said he was using Beelzebub, the prince of the devils_Matt 12:22-28

And there are many instances,Jesus did things which are good but accused wrongly. 

You might give a gift to someone and be accused wrongly, you talk to someone and be accused wrongly, you might even try to be friendly and be accused wrongly but note this :

1 Peter 3:16

Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.

My Brother, my Sister, let your conscience be pure in whatsoever you do, and remember the scriptures, do all things unto God and not unto men, for not all men have Faith, and many are busybody and evil speakers, and if you believe people's report or observation, then you should have believed that Jesus is not the son of God, cause billions of people say that. Now when the bible tells us in Titus 3:2

[2]To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men.

If no one has spoken evil about you, then you are not existing, cause the highest desire most people want to see happening to you, is your fall, even those you call your friend. So let not your good conversation with either brothers or sisters be evil spoken of. 

John 18:23

Remain Blessed! 


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