.3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:3:2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;3:3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;3:4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;3:5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;3:6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;3:7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Ecclesiastes 3 :1-8
Truly to every Purpose in this world there is always a time and a moment, that moment when he fell, that moment when he stood up, that moment when she shouted, and that moment when she kept quiet. Yea, considering from our reading in the above chapter and verses, you would notice that there is surely time for everything in this life. The second verse of that scripture expressly started with an immediate insight on the two must happen moment in life, which is a time to be born and a time to die. And these two moments supercedes every other moment we would face in life, because they are very decisive. Why are they decisive?.. That moment a man is been born into this world, that marks the start of his earthly Journey and the beginning of decisions affecting both his present and future.
           Now the topic of this article says wasted moment, wasted Purpose ......
What exactly is a moment?
According to the Oxford English dictionary "a moment is a very short period of time or an exact point in time"
What is a purpose?
"A purpose is the intention and aim towards a thing, or what some is supposed to achieve "
Some may ask, what does moment have to do with purpose? Be relaxed, be calm cause you will surely understand as we go deeper into this message.
Right from our reasoning age, every man or woman born into this world is in search to find out his/her potentials. Therefore we are been sent to schools to acquire knowledge through different levels of education. Surely a moralist would tell you that Education is the foundation of life and without education your Purpose in life might not be achieved. Looking at the moralist thought, it means those without education cannot achieve their goals in life, which i strongly do not believe. I am not really against education,but is our purpose really tied to education?, do we start achieving it that moment we pick up books and pen and say we want to become a doctor or a lawyer?, is that really the way?. Why am using education as crucial point in this matter, is cause of its vital role in the minds of modern man. In which almost 90% of people in the world now believe that what every young person needs the most is education to achieve his or her purpose. Yes, it's true that education is needed to achieve your goals in life, but goals and purpose are two different things entirely. Goals are simply something you hope to achieve, while purpose is something you suppose to achieve. Therefore, you can meet your goals but not achieving your purpose. Education is very good but still it is not the first moments needed to be experienced in life. Being truthful, many people lost their real purpose of creation just because they want to acquire more knowledge, they spend their years and almost all the moments of their lives seeking knowledge and education. But still there are many who have achieved their purpose in life through education, but what is the point here?,it's just that you can achieve great things with or without education.
 If only you would take a little moment of your time in your life to ask some few logical questions like, why am i existing?, who created me?, why was i created?, what is the purpose of my existence?. It is sad to say that only a handful of people have really thought about this. Many think they are just living to eat, sleep, play, work, marry, born, and die...(Read Isaiah 22 : 13). This actually is a very wrong mindset,cause many people think that life just all about fun. That is why you would see youths who are supposed to be thinking about their future and how to achieve their goals and purposes in life wondering after worthless things and been driven away by the licentiousness.
Why does wasted moments lead to wasted purpose?.
Considering from the last paragraph, we mentioned some questions that needed to be asked by every living being on earth which in reality it is hardly asked. Drawing examples from the youth, you would realize that in life of every young person in life, there would be a time or moment when he or she is focused and determined about one particular thing or the other. There is a moment when getting this girl or that girl as a girlfriend becomes the main goal of a young man, there is also a moment when going to parties every weekends becomes the goal, and there is also a time in the life of a young girl when dressing and physical looks becomes the main focus, and their are many other moments in which i cannot mention all, but these are the moments which are really wasted. A young man living a purposeless life, is considered to be living a life that has no meaning, use nor aim, which simply makes the person useless. Where am i heading to?, actually there is a quote which says "God never created anybody called nobody". Why do people become useless and miserable in life?. Why are there people who are so ineffective in life and it seems like the Earth itself is tired of them and waiting for them to just die?. It's all because many people have wasted their precious time and vital moments doing worthless things and taking the wrong steps and decisions in life. Life is too short, time is too fast, moments are for a while, but purpose is too far. Achieving a particular purpose in life doesn't take few days or weeks or months or even years, but it's a long term pursuit. Therefore any moment wasted now would only extend the time of achieving that purpose and might even lead to it not even being achieved forever.
To be continued.........

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